Child’s Room How to Decorate

Child’s Room How to Decorate

According to a survey by Houzz Spain, more than 50% of parents embark on renovating their child’s room when they are between 4 and 7 years old. Here we propose ideas for the investment to last up to 13 or 14 years.

Between the ages of 4 and 13, children progress from infancy to adolescence. Their body and mind gradually transform into adults. The bedroom is your space in the house: your refuge. In his room he will rest, play, study, listen to music and be with his friends. Dynamism and versatility to adapt to all these changes are the keys when designing a children’s bedroom.

  1. Be guided by functional criteria

With the beginning of primary education, children need a specific place where they can study and carry out their homework. It is at this time that many parents decide to transform the baby’s room and invest in furniture that will last throughout childhood and youth. So that this expense is profitable, and you do not have to redesign the room when you reach adolescence, always be guided by functional criteria.

Consequently, think about the main activities that will take place in this space: sleeping, studying and relaxing in solitude or company, and how they will evolve over the years.

In the market you will find a wide range of modular systems that will allow you to change the configuration of the different elements, allowing you, in some cases, to replace a slide with a study table. Also take into account the amount of clothes and belongings that you will have to store in this room. Opt for solutions that help your children maintain order with ease.

  1. Invest in quality materials

The children’s bedroom is one of the rooms in the house that suffers the most wear and tear. Furniture, coatings … everything has to be prepared to dampen the energy of your children.

In the market you will find solid wood furniture, chipboard covered with wood veneer or synthetic (melamine), or lacquered MDF. All of them have advantages and disadvantages in terms of their duration, resistance, ease of cleaning, etc., which you should study before deciding. In addition to the materials, also consider the quality of the joints, hardware and fasteners.

In relation to the coatings, it seeks to be durable and easy to maintain. Children play a lot on the floor, so it must be comfortable too. Wood is a classic, but contemporary materials, such as laminates, offer surfaces that do not absorb moisture or stains and do not retain dust. With regard to rugs, look for them to be soft, but also resistant, easy to clean and not slip.

  1. Opt for neutral colors and simple designs child’s room

If you and children don’t want to get tired of decorating right away, we recommend that you opt for neutral colors and clean lines for the fundamental pieces of furniture.

Light, soothing shades will also help calm them rather than make them nervous.

You can add color notes through elements such as textiles, wallpapers or different decorative accessories that allow you to vary the personality of the bedroom periodically for little money.

  1. Pay close attention to the bed you choose

The bed is the central piece of furniture in this room. It is the place where the child rests and recharges, but also where he reads, listens to music, surfs on the tablet and thinks about his things alone. It is worth making a good investment in this piece of furniture, as well as in the mattress. If your child sleeps alone, they will love the idea of ​​a trundle bed that allows them to invite their friends to sleep.

  1. Design a good study area for child’s room

Natural lighting is very important, but also artificial lighting, since they will spend. More hours and they will have to stay to study or finish tasks at night. To keep the eye from getting tire. Create different levels of lighting to achieve a more gradual transition between light and shadow.

Reinforce the general lighting with a more specific one on the study table. The most suitable is a flexo that points directly to the work plane. Do not forget to have enough plugs for the computer and all the necessary electronic devices.

  1. Opt for a flexible storage system

Throughout childhood your child will have fun with different types of toys, will participate in different sports and activities, and will go from reading stories to novels.

To adapt to all these changes, choose a system that can be adjusted to appliances of different shapes and sizes. That also allows the exchange of different types of storage modules (drawers, shelves, cabinets …).

  1. Help them keep their clothes in order

As children grow, they define their tastes in terms of their wardrobe. The size of the garments grows. That is why the most interesting thing, again, is a versatile system that allows varying the position of the bars, shelves and drawers in child’s room. Tweens will also appreciate the presence of a mirror in which they can check the effect of their different looks.

  1. Facilitates meetings with friends

Little by little, activities with friends are replacing the family. The bedroom is the perfect space for them to receive them and chat about their things freely. Poufs, rugs and cushions will make it possible to improvise informal meeting spaces.

Read more: Tree Lights to Ultra Modern Cheer Up Any Room

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