Cosmetic surgery: 5 things to know before taking the plunge

Cosmetic surgery: 5 things to know before taking the plunge

The recent TF1 report on cosmetic surgery in Morocco caused a lot of noise in the kingdom. A practice which tends to democratize but whose actions are not trivial. The opportunity to come back to some essential points to have in mind before taking the plunge. 

The Moroccan Society for Reconstructive and Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (SMCPRE) has also reacted to this program, accusing it of conveying “clichés” and of being “far from reality”. One of the clients filmed complained of harassment and taunts following its broadcast, so much so that the channel’s management decided to remove the subject from their replay platform.

This report, broadcast in the program Seven to eight and with the flashy title “Morocco: the folie du bistouri”, brings up to date the debate on the image of cosmetic surgery and its professionals in Morocco subject to many controversies. . If, according to the SMCPRE, “the figures mentioned do not represent the reality of the activity of almost all practitioners of reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery in Morocco”, the use of this practice for major operations is tending to democratize.

The opportunity to come back to five essential points to have in mind before taking the plunge:

  1. The practitioner’s qualifications 

In Morocco, only the National Order of Physicians or the Regional Order Councils are authorized to distribute the list of practitioners holding the qualification in “reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery”. Check with the aforementioned institutions that your doctor is a specialist in plastic and cosmetic surgery. Indeed, only doctors certified in plastic surgery are aesthetic plastic surgeons, we read on the SOMCEP website.(Moroccan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons), a contrario of “cosmetic surgeons” or (aesthetic doctors). Some dermatologists, general practitioners or other practitioners can use this name. Cosmetic surgery requires a highly qualified and experienced surgeon.

  1. Surgical facilities and products used

Surgical facilities and the products used by the physician are points to consider and may vary from practice to practice. “It’s important to look at and compare the brands of prostheses, tensor threads, botox, hyaluronic acid… with which doctors work. You have to learn about the techniques that have been proven. Such as botox, that is to say the botulinum toxin that has been used for years, … there is a lot of research to be done so that the person is well aware of all the issues ”, explains a Moroccan influencer close to this environment, preferring to remain anonymous. In France, in 2019, six brands of breast prostheses were withdrawn from the market because suspected of promoting a rare form of cancer: Allergan, Arion, Eurosilicone, Nagor, Polytech and Sebbin.

     3. The reputation of the practitioner and his style 

In addition to the above, it is important to learn about the practitioner’s reputation and style. “Did he miss a lot? Does his style match my personality, my aesthetic profile? Surgeons work according to their vision of beauty. If I want a natural result, I will therefore rather go to so and so, for a more obvious result, such and such another… ”, continues the influencer who invites anyone wishing to carry out an aesthetic operation to get informed beforehand and consult customer opinions. previous (on forums for example).

  1. The risks

“There is no infallible method for choosing your plastic surgeon or guaranteeing the results of your surgery”, writes SOMCEP, while offering some indications in this direction. It is important to keep in mind the conditions of the chosen operation: does it require general anesthesia? What risks does it entail? Is it painful? How long does the convalescence last? “Also find out about the complication rates. Do not be persuade by the selling off of prices by adding additional surgeries. Beware of the surgeon who gives you “satisfaction guarantees” or who does not give enough importance to the risks of the surgery. Before signing it, carefully read the consent to surgery form ”,

“The risks associated with this surgery are fortunately rare, not serious and easily contained. Nevertheless, plastic surgery remains a surgery in its own right which shares with all other surgical disciplines the same complications (infections, bleeding, healing problems, thromboembolic disorders) (…) which must be widely expose to patients before any surgical procedure ”, informs on his website Dr. MJ Guessous, surgeon in Casablanca.

  1. Think about the psychological reasons

“Why am I doing this?” What will this bring me? Will I feel better afterwards?… Before performing a rather heavy act. It is important to ask yourself a few questions, to do an introspection. Perhaps we will realize that we do not have any really need, ”explains the influencer. Is it really a personal choice? “If he / she feels pressure from family or partner for breast augmentation or liposuction, it is better not to make this decision. The opinion of relatives is important but the final decision belongs to the patient and him alone, ”announces on his site Dr. Joël Aknin, a French specialist based in Lyon. Try to see clearly in your motives. A preoperative assessment and a reflection period of at least 15 days must be observe before performing the operation.

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