Flowers Decorate Your Wedding Party

Flowers Decorate Your Wedding Party

Flowers are a fundamental part of any event, especially a wedding, discover how to choose them.

Flowers are a fundamental part of any event, especially a wedding. Choosing the plants, flowers, trees, pots and all kinds of floral arrangements that will be part of each of the scenarios. Corners of our wedding is essential.

  1. Take into account the time of year
  2. Adapt the choice to the type of celebration
  3. Contemplate the venue
  4. Do not forget the spaces and corners
  5. Tips
  6. Take into account the time of year

Flowers are a fundamental part of any event, especially a wedding. Choosing the plants, flowers, trees, pots and all kinds of floral arrangements that will be part of each of the scenarios. Corners of our wedding is essential.

It is not the same to get married in winter or fall than in spring or summer. Each season offers different flowers and one or the other is more suitable depending on the climate so that they look perfect and do not spoil right away. For example, in autumn chrysanthemums, dahlias, calla lilies, asters (known as “star flower”) or heather as a shrub are ideal, which is elegant and, in addition, adds color to the environment where you place it.

In summer, however, you need flowers that can withstand the high temperatures and that look fresh and pretty all day long. Some of the most typical of this time are: jasmine, lilacs, gardenias or magnolias, among many others.

     1. Adapt the choice to the type of celebration

The decoration of the place of the ceremony is the cover letter and gives clues of what the rest of the event will be like. But depending on the type of celebration you have, the decoration may vary.

For the decoration of religious weddings , more classic flowers are chose. The architectural style of the temple can determine the style.

In Romanesque churches, flowers with rounded shapes are perfect, sweeter and more romantic , and they also add elegance. An example of this are roses or hydrangeas.

In the Gothic churches , floral arrangements more elongated are perfect. Herringbone flowers like gladioli or tuberose will set the tone for the rest of the décor. Flowers like the lilium, or the gerbera can be combine with the previous ones.

In modernist churches , the arrangements can be more linear and L-shaped . The most suitable flowers, on this occasion, are the allium, anthourium, liatrix and the large green leaves.

Although thinking about the type of church is a differentiating point, a highly recommend decoration that can fit in with all kinds of styles is the one that surrounds the columns, that is, the garlands of flowers that are ideal with flowers such as daisies or paniculata. Generally, white is use, the most elegant and fine color that is also the color of brides. For the most daring couples, the formations, balls, suit perfectly.

The distribution of the flowers in the church goes as follows: in the center, and in front of the altar, the largest decoration is mark since it will be the most photographed space.

In civil weddings it can be differentiate according to the chosen place. In this type of celebration, and over the years, flowers take center stage. The first factor to take into account is the time the wedding will take place . In tomorrow’s weddings it is important to know if it is interior or exterior. It will be perfect if a centerpiece is place on the central table where the bride and groom are place. Another idea is flower arches to frame the ceremony.

The decorative element that can differentiate day weddings from night wedding are candles. They set the scene and make the environment much more welcoming.

      2. Contemplate the venue

Another factor to take into account when choosing the flowers for your wedding is the place where both the ceremony and the banquet will be held. An outdoor wedding in a natural space is not the same as a close hotel or restaurant in the city center.

If you are going to get married in an open space , you can decorate it with wild flower and plants or choose those that combine best with the environment. The color of the walls of the place or the tree that grow in the area. If you get married in a close place, you should observe what type of decoration it offer and what colors can combine with the living room.

To create a harmony between all the elements, it is preferable to choose a dominant environment that stands out from the rest, and two or three more from the same range.

      3. Do not forget the spaces and corners

All the floral decoration must be in tune also taking into account the spaces that will host these flowers. The two areas differentiated from the rest in terms of decoration are the cocktail space and the decoration of the hall or banquet place.

First of all, for the decoration of the cocktail. It must be taken into account that it varies if the wedding is at noon or at night. Especially if the cocktail is in an outdoor space. For a midday wedding, the decoration is chosen according to the taste of the couple, you can decorate corners in the garden, opt for a flower line similar to that of the rest of the wedding and ceremony. And if the wedding is at night , the protagonism of the decoration is take by light (candles, flower garlands …).

Second, the decoration of the living room is another of the objects of attention. Choosing the centerpieces is fundamental and that makes each wedding a unique and different event. They will be small and round if you prefer something more classic. Although in recent years tall centers, asymmetric flower centers and natural garlands. That run through the imperial tables have been a trend.

     4. Tips

It is essential that, whether you are in charge of the decoration of your wedding. If it is a wedding planner , you previously think about the type of floral decoration you want. It is convenient to go to the place and visualize how everything can be.

Just as the visit to the place is essential, it is the same or more so to the florist. Meeting with the florist to guide you, selecting seasonal flowers knowing that they will have available. The quantity that we will order is very important because florists are supplie from nurseries. Do not always receive the same flowers.

It is essential that you estimate the approximate budget that you are going to allocate for the wedding flowers , since depending on the flower or plant you want it has a different cost.

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