Japandi Bathroom Design

Japandi Bathroom Design

Japandi Bathroom Design, also known as the fusion of Japanese and Scandinavian styles, introduces a serene and minimalist approach to bathroom spaces.

Japandi Bathroom Design: Zen art in bathroom furnishings

In the Japandi Bathroom Design, we find all the philosophies of Oriental culture. A place where the simplicity of the forms is combined with the concepts of refinement and rationality. In the Japanese bath, all the peculiar aspects typical of Japanese life and their way of understanding the bathroom emerge.

In a nation characterized by frenetic work rhythms, the most intimate moments are instead characterized by attention, calm, and tranquility. Don’t be impressed by the impossibility of recreating a typically oriental atmosphere. In reality, it is sufficient to focus on some fundamental passages to understand what the oriental bathroom is characterized by.
An open shower corner, a freestanding bathtub, an ultra-slim shower tray, and bathroom accessories with bamboo finishes.

Materials are designed to recreate unique and suggestive atmospheres. And then the inevitable Japanese toilet, a bathroom item known all over the world. But is it possible to recreate a Japanese bathroom without necessarily having to rethink the entire bathroom?

Essential Accessories for a Japandi Bathroom Design

Definitely easier to achieve is the division of the typical Japanese bathroom. We can adapt our spaces thanks to products with an oriental flavor capable of creating new and original settings. With more functionality but less magic, the Western bathroom has a lot to learn from its Japanese cousin. Now let’s analyze in detail the elements that distinguish a real Japanese bathroom! Read on below Japan bathroom ideas.

1. The elegance of the fixed shower panel

The fixed shower wall is a fundamental item to recreate the division of spaces typical of the Japandi Bathroom Design. A fantastic expedient for a particularly elegant and refined bathroom. Read about modern bathroom ideas. The open side is a fundamental feature that and at the same time as it divides the spaces and connects the environments in a new and original way. The minimalist design of the fixed shower wall fully reflects the canons of the Japanese Zen style.

2. Quality of materials with stone effect shower trays

A fixed shower wall should always include the installation of a specially designed shower tray. A very interesting solution is represent by the ultraslim shower trays with a stone effect. High-quality products that are incredibly pleasant to use. Fundamental in an environment in constant search of precious materials able to instill peace and relaxation!

3. Innovation and technology with the characteristic Japandi Bathroom Design toilet

Famous throughout the world, the Japanese toilet is the king of oriental bathrooms. In the era of globalization and the Japanese toilet has conquered all continents and increasing its presence also in the Western world. Today it is possible to find on the market a product that until recently was exclusive to oriental bathroom furniture.

4. Zen-style washbasin

Can you find something more Zen than a bamboo washbasin with clear and decisive shapes? This incredibly original product is perfect for an Ethno chic bathroom decor!

5. Japanese-style bamboo bathroom accessories

In the same vein, bamboo bathroom accessories are include. In fact, bamboo is the main material of Japanese bathroom furniture japan color palette. Resistant and aesthetically very pleasant, this material allows you to create fantastic Zen-style furnishing accessories.

The Japanese bath, a place at the center of ancient rituals (japandi bathroom design)

In Japanese culture, the central function of the bathroom is certified by the Ofuro ritual. A ritual carried out to purify and relax after intense days of stress. Above we have discussed japandi interior design. If you too are looking for relaxation in the bathroom, read our tips and go back to the past with relaxing freestanding bathtubs. On Deghishop. If you will find the best products to renovate your rooms and follow the unmistakable style of the Japanese bathroom design!

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