Airbnb: some tips to transform your home

Airbnb: some tips to transform your home

We all have friends who travel regularly and post photos of their Airbnb accommodation on social networks, each more beautiful than the next; which not only makes us a little jealous, but also makes us want to open the Airbnb application to go there too. So if you decorate your Airbnb properly, your guests will take care of the advertising for you.

With the vacation rental industry becoming increasingly competitive, having a property that stands out is essential if you want to get rave reviews, better ratings and more bookings.

Choose the design of your Airbnb

Let’s be honest: if you can’t offer your guests a panoramic view or a super well located accommodation, you are going to have to put effort into decorating your accommodation to ensure your back. So, the more time and energy you spend thinking about the small decorating details to make your home warmer and more pleasant, the more you will see significant results in your Airbnb income, and also in your comments. (Click for more tips on how to receive great Airbnb reviews.)

But before you spend all your savings on Persian rugs and antique lamps, you need to think about what type of audience you are reaching and what their expectations are when it comes to your home’s interior design. Are you targeting business travelers on Airbnb? A more minimalist approach might then be necessary. Are you targeting young families? Then black wallpaper is probably not the best option.

Let’s be honest: if you can’t offer your guests a panoramic view or super well located accommodation, you are going to have to put effort into decorating your accommodation.

Remember to take your location into account. If you’re planning a city-center apartment in Paris, it’s best to avoid a rural, rustic theme when it comes to interior design – but this theme could work perfectly for your converted Airbnb farmhouse in the French countryside. . In general, your theme should match the environment of the accommodation. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but unless you are a professional decorator, we recommend that you don’t take too big a risk.

Find inspiration (Airbnb)

Turning your Airbnb into a cozy space shouldn’t be expensive, nor should it require an interior designer. Depending on the size and condition of your home, you may only need to buy a few decor items or put a fresh coat of paint on one or two walls. If you have a small area to decorate, consider buying a few pieces of art that will stand out, like a painting by a local painter for example.

If you are lacking inspiration, you can consult interior design magazines or search for photos on the internet and on social networks. Pinterest is a great place to find ideas – just search for the keywords “Airbnb Inspiration” or “Decorating Ideas”.

Where to spend your money (Airbnb)

There are plenty of places to buy cool and affordable furniture and small decor items. Obviously, it’s hard not to immediately think of IKEA for this kind of purchase, where you are sure to find furniture to most travelers’ taste, which is neither offensive nor overpriced. Second-hand stores are also a place where you can find unique pieces that will be a topic of discussion with your guests, whether it is a magnificent vintage lamp or a screen from the 20th century. However, remember to avoid second-hand items like sofas or bed linens, which don’t always have a very pleasant odor.

Other useful tips:

Use neutral colors

Unless you are extremely confident in your interior decorating skills, our advice is not to use colors that are too out of the ordinary. If you decide to paint your walls red, there’s a good chance you’ll scare off more conservative guests. So use neutral colors, possibly with a few more vibrant touches of color, with a rug or with a vase.

Don’t forget the floors!

If your place has old stained carpets on the floor, think twice before putting it on Airbnb. Indeed, one of the most important details to remember when decorating your Airbnb is the floor, because guests care about what’s under their feet when staying in a vacation rental. So pay attention: put a nice tile in the bathroom, replace the rugs and wax the old floors.

Storage spaces

It might sound amazing, but a lot of hosts are renovating their Airbnb but don’t think about storage for their guests – they create minimalist huts with nowhere to hang a shirt! So add hooks to the walls. Consider built-in closets. Put a shoe rack at the door. Make sure guests aren’t frustrated with having nowhere to put their things.


The smell of your Airbnb is also very important. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your accommodation is and the furnishings inside – if the smell isn’t pleasant, you’re unlikely to get good reviews or future bookings. Get rid of old mattresses, rugs, pillows or sofas that may contain bad smells. Some hosts use air purifiers or scented candles, but try not to choose something with an overly strong smell, as this could trigger allergies in some guests.

Finally, try to avoid:

– Cluttering your space too much

– Having too many personal items in the accommodation, such as family photos

– Religious objects that might make some guests uncomfortable

– Expensive antiques that may be damaged by guests

– Themes that have nothing to do with the location of the accommodation

Running out of ideas? GuestReady, a concierge service in Paris , has a highly experienced team that understands the needs and wants of Airbnb customers across the world. Our team remains at your disposal in particular to advise you in matters of decoration, in order to put all the chances on your side.

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