Baby”s hair: five tips to take care of it

Baby”s hair: five tips to take care of it

The baby’s hair and scalp must be cared for from day one, regardless of whether the little one is born with a lot or little hair. In this way, rashes, irritations and other problems in this sensitive part of the newborn’s body are avoided . This article provides five essential tips for taking care of children’s hair : wash it with the right products, detangle it well, avoid putting them to bed and make them ponytails with wet hair, pay attention to the baby’s cradle cap and ensure that the hair care time is a fun time.

Some babies are born with fairly thick and thick hair, while others come into the world bald or with very light fuzz. Over time, their hair will grow to develop their hair. In all cases, a series of care must be taken into account so that it grows healthy and strong and avoid allergies and other problems, both in the hair itself and in the scalp. The five most important are listed below.

1. Baby’s hair: wash with the right products

It is important to wash the baby’s head every day, even the smallest, regardless of whether it has hair or not. If the infant’s hair is not cleaned, it is possible that traces of sweat remain on the scalp and that these, because the baby’s skin is so sensitive, cause small pimples, a rash or irritation.

However, children do not secrete sebum on the scalp, since this process begins with puberty, when hormonal stimuli begin. For this reason, unlike adults, their hair gets dirty mainly due to other factors. The oil from the hands when passing them over the head and external substances, such as pollution.

“As a consequence, children’s hair washes may be less frequent, ” explains Ramón Grimalt, coordinator of the Spanish Trichology Group of the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology. Trichology is the branch of dermatology that specializes in hair.

Since their hair gets less dirty, ” children’s shampoos are gentler, with a neutral pH, in order to avoid skin irritation, allergies and itchy eyes,” says Grimalt.

2. Detangle the baby’s hair

When they grow a little. You can also complement the function of the shampoo with a conditioner that helps to detangle the hair. Hair with a tendency to tangle (especially curls) should be brushed or combed with wide bristles, very carefully, to avoid causing pain in the little one. Making hair care an unpleasant moment for the child. little.

Grimalt also recommends ” shampooing only the child’s scalp and the part of the hair close to the skin .” Instead. It advises the use of conditioners or masks for the rest of the hair, especially when it is long, since these products protect. Nourish it more conveniently.

3. Take care of the baby: Do not put him to bed or make ponytails with wet hair

To keep hair healthy. Make sure it dries well before tying it into a ponytail, braiding it, or going to bed.

The health of a child’s hair depends on the root. The area under the skin. And therefore, “it is not affect by humidity. Other factors (such as washing it more or less frequently),” adds Grimalt. Moisture does affect, however, the hair shaft. The part of the hair that emerges from the epidermis. This is due to the fact that water expand the cuticle cell. Which means that. When comb it, tying it or rest it on another surface. The friction is greater when it is wet than dry. A simile helps to understand it. If a good quality garment is put in the washing machine at high revolution. It will be damage. But if it is wash by hand, and it tends to be carefully. It will look better.

The best way to dry your baby’s hair is to remove the most abundant moisture with a towel and then let it finish drying with the air in the house. Of course, it is not recommend to go out with the little one with wet hair.  Since the change in temperature can cause illness.

4. Attention to the baby’s cradle cap

Cradle cap or infant scab is a manifestation of a more important problem, infantile seborrheic dermatitis, a fairly common condition in infants and children up to three years of age. Its symptoms are lesions in the form of scales or scabs on the head, sometimes attached to the hair that, although it is not usually affected, does occasionally fall out.

However, it is not considered a disease and does not cause itching or discomfort, so it is only treated occasionally and for cosmetic reasons. It is not cause by lack of hygiene or by infections or type of diet. But by an excessive production of fat or sebum from the skin. This is because, at this stage. The little ones have a greater number and activity of sebaceous glands. 

According to the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, since ” serborrheic dermatitis in children has a benign evolution, and even a tendency to spontaneous healing. One should not be aggressive with the treatment. In fact, most cases are not serious and disappear by themselves after a while. But if the lesions get worse, the pediatrician must recommend a specific product, generally a shampoo or a special oil or gel. Only in very complicate cases are other stronger substances indicate to stop the problem.

5. Washing baby’s hair should be fun

Caring for your baby’s hair (washing, drying, combing, etc.) should be fun, or at least not traumatic. Many children develop negative feelings about. These tasks for different reasons. Pain when detangling curly hair with little care, cold, having to stop playing to do it, etc. Which then remain and are very difficult to eliminate.

Therefore, different strategies can be devised so that the little one has a good time while bathing and washing his hair : include toys in the water, soaps that generate colored foam or bubbles, sing songs, propose games such as see-see , etc. In this way, bath time and hair care will also be pleasant and will avoid fights and childhood anger.

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