Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

Basic Yoga Poses For Beginners

You too are contemplating the idea of ​​starting yoga, but don’t know where to start?

We have collected some basic yoga poses that will help you as a beginner to lay the foundation. Once you grasp these basics, you will become an expert without even realizing it.

What are you waiting for? Unroll the yoga mat and discover the benefits, both physically and mentally, that this practice has to offer. Regardless of gender and age, yoga has the potential to calm your mind and fortify your body.

Basic yoga home

Many have serious difficulties in practicing yoga at home. Yet it’s easier than you think: just do it regularly (even just once a week) to see its various health benefits.

Below, our top tips on how to get started at home.

  1. Create a comfortable space: remember that there is no perfect space, it will be enough to find one as free as possible from clutter and distracting elements.
  2. Find a free wall: as a beginner you may find it useful to have a piece of free wall in the space you have built. This will support you in exercises that require balance.
  3. Light a few candles: in some cases, candles or some incense will help to make you feel more comfortable, but it is a matter of personal taste and is entirely optional.
  4. Focus on Breathing: Before you begin, it is important to relax your body with deep breaths.
  5. Rest: Even if your daily practice is oriented towards the development of strength and flexibility, we recommend that you allow yourself at least one day of rest a week.
  6. Get yourself a yoga mat: having a special mat will help make any room or environment much more pleasant.

 10 basic yoga positions

Below we show you the 10 basic yoga poses that will serve you as a beginner. Yoga is based precisely on positions: here are the 10 you must learn as you begin to practice it regularly.

        1. Mountain position (Tadasana)

It just feels like standing, doesn’t it? Well, appearances can be deceiving at times. The mountain position is known to be an “active position” that can bring multiple benefits, such as improving posture and relieving back pain. Helps strengthen thighs, knees, ankles, abdomen and buttocks.

  • Begin by standing with your feet together, distributing your body weight equally on the forefoot and arches. Make sure your big toes are in contact.
  • Now lift your big toes keeping them wide open and then place them back on the mat. If you have trouble keeping your balance, start with your feet slightly apart.
  • Extend your legs, but be sure to distribute the weight evenly over the entire surface of the foot. Bring your thighs up and back, turning them slightly inwards. This will activate the quadriceps.
  • Now rotate your tailbone down and keep your hips aligned with your center of gravity. Move the abdomen slightly inward, keeping the pelvis in its natural position.
  • Lengthen your torso and push your shoulder blades towards your back by widening your collarbones. Keep your fingers straight and your arms straight, letting them rotate slightly
  • By stretching the neck, make sure that the ears, shoulders, hips and ankles are in one line. Keep doing the breathing exercises and feel the benefits of the pose with each breath.
  • If you can, keep it for a minute.

       2. Position of the raised hands (Urdhva Hastana)

The position of the raised hands is obtained starting from that of the mountain. Performing this pose regularly helps to improve respiratory and lung function, increase energy and well-being, strengthen the cardiovascular system, as well as calm you down. This is a useful position to counteract the symptoms of exhaustion, asthma and indigestion.

  • To begin, rotate your arms outward so that they point outward. Make sure your thumbs point backwards.
  • Now open your arms and lift them upwards. If there is stiffness in your shoulders, you don’t have to put your arms together, just stop as soon as you feel discomfort.
  • Now fully extend your elbows and stretch upward, with your thumbs naturally pointing towards your head.
  • Tilt your head back slightly, being careful not to create compression in the back of the neck. The idea is that you should be able to
    look at your thumbs. If you don’t have this level of flexibility, don’t try too hard: by dint of practice you will get there.
  • Extend the tailbone down and lift the rib cage away evenly from the pelvis.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.

        3. Position of the standing clamp (Uttanasana)

The standing clamp position has several benefits: in addition to reducing stress and mild depression, it alleviates symptoms related to fatigue and anxiety.

  • In addition, it can help stimulate the liver and kidneys, stretch the hamstrings, calves and hips, strengthen the thighs and knees, and counteract indigestion. If you suffer from asthma, hypertension, infertility, osteoporosis or sinusitis, performing this pose can have a therapeutic effect.
  • Start from the standing position, with your hands on your hips. As you exhale, lean forward starting at the hip joint. While doing the
    push-up, try to push your torso away from the groin. Crucial in this position is to emphasize the lengthening of the front of the torso.
  • With your legs straight, rest your palms and fingers on the ground, just in front of your feet or behind your ankles. This may be impossible if you have stiffness
    in the hip joint. In this case, just go down with your hands along the back of the legs as far as you can.
  • With each breath, try to lift the front of the torso slightly more.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.

       4. Position of the garland (Malasana)

The wreath pose is one of the perfect basic yoga poses to aid in recovery from knee or lower back injuries. This position also has the benefit of toning the abdomen and strengthening the core, as well as stretching the ankles, groin region and the back of the torso.

  • We start in squats, with the feet as close together as possible. Make sure you have your heels firmly anchored to the ground.
  • Now open your thighs slightly so that they are wider than the bust. As you exhale, bring your torso forward by placing it between the inside of your thighs.
  • Press your elbows to the inside of your knees, bringing your hands together in the prayer position. Be careful not to move your knees forward.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.

        5. High lunge

The high lunge is a position to avoid if you have sustained a severe knee injury. In all other cases, however, it has a marked therapeutic effect in fighting indigestion, constipation and sciatica. The benefits of this pose lie in the fact that it stretches the groin region while strengthening the arms and legs.

  • From the standing caliper position (described above), bend your knees.
  • Now, step back with your left foot and rest your forefoot on the ground. Form a right angle with your right knee.
  • The torso is positioned over the thigh of the front leg and facing forward (look forward). Push the left thigh up while keeping the leg straight
    . The left heel pushes towards the floor.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute and repeat it with the other leg.

         6. Plank (or plank position)

If you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, we advise against doing this pose. The plank is renowned for being able to strengthen the core and tone the abs, while strengthening the arms, wrists and spine.

  • Start with your hands and feet flat on the ground and your buttocks facing up (downward dog position). Inspire and advance with the torso. The arms should be perpendicular to the floor, with the shoulders in line with the wrists. The torso should be parallel to the floor.
  • Point the elbows towards the thighs and bring the shoulder blades closer to the spine. Now move the collarbones away from the breastbone. Push the thighs up and the tailbone in the direction of the heels.
  • The neck stays soft as you stare at the floor.
  • Try to hold the position for 45 seconds.

         7. The position of the stick

In the event of a wrist injury, be gentle in performing this pose. The stick position is great for strengthening the back muscles, stretching the shoulders and chest, as well as improving posture.

  • Sit on the ground with your legs stretched forward. The back must be absolutely straight, forming a right angle with the legs.
  • Press your thighs towards the ground, letting them rotate slightly inward. Push your heels away from your body while holding your feet in the hammer. Now stretch your torso as much as you can.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.

        8. Position of the forceps (Paschimottanasana)

Among its multiple benefits, the clamp position includes the reduction of stress, anxiety and mild depression. Performing this pose regularly stretches the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings, as well as stimulating the kidneys, liver, ovaries, and uterus.

In addition to aiding digestion, the clamp position helps relieve menopausal symptoms and menstrual pain. Finally, doctors claim that it has a therapeutic effect on hypertension, infertility, insomnia and sinusitis.

  • Sit on the ground with your legs stretched forward and press your heels towards the floor. Let the thighs rotate slightly inwards.
  • Place your hands near your hips and press them to the ground. Lift the sternum upward. Make sure your torso is stretched, then lean forward starting at the
    hip joint.
  • Move the coccyx away from the pelvis. If you can, try to straighten your elbows completely and grasp the outside of your feet with your hands. If you are not able, help yourself with a band: place it on the soles of your feet and hold it firmly. Be careful not to bow your head.
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.

         9. Head position at the knee (Janu Sirsasana)

The position of the head towards the knee is believed to be therapeutic for those suffering from hypertension, insomnia and sinusitis. Performing it on a regular basis helps to strengthen the back muscles during pregnancy (up to the sixth month).

It also helps fight anxiety, fatigue, menstrual pain, mild depression and headaches. It is a position that stretches the spine, shoulders, hamstrings and groin region. In addition to promoting digestion, it stimulates the liver and kidneys.

  • Sit on the ground with your legs stretched forward. Bend your right knee and touch the inside of the left thigh with your foot. Make a right angle with your left leg and right shin.
  • Keep the right hand pressed to the right groin, and the left hand at the side or resting on the ground.
  • Turn your torso slightly to the left. Try to hold the position for a minute.
  • For maximum benefit, do it from both sides.

       10. Position of the happy child (Ananda Balasana)

This type of stretch has fewer medical benefits than the other positions examined, but is perfect for shifting focus to the hips. It also stretches the groin region and the back of the spine. Like many other postures, it relaxes the mind by helping to relieve stress and fatigue.

  • Start by lying on your back with your knees bent towards your chest. The hands grip the outside of the foot.
  • Slightly space your knees apart so they are wider than your torso and point them towards your armpits.
  • The ankles must be in a straight line above the knees, the feet are hammered. Slide your feet into your hands, using the hands to create
  • Try to hold the position for a minute.


Yoga doesn’t have to be strenuous. Our yoga poses for beginners will help you lay a solid foundation. These are yoga poses that you will need to learn if you want to feel comfortable doing them in class or replicating them at home.

Don’t be intimidated by all those abstruse terms, cutting-edge yoga centers or more complex postures. Yoga is for everyone and you can also practice it from the comfort of your home.

Our articles are for informational and educational purposes only, therefore they are not intended as medical advice. If you have any doubts or uncertainties, consult a specialist before taking a dietary supplement or making drastic changes to your diet.

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