Cowardly Quotes This Dictionary Contains

Cowardly Quotes This Dictionary Contains

There are times when nothing is easier than to be brave, it is when everyone is cowardly. 

Quote from Jean Dutourd ; The Dumbest Left in the World (1985)

Desertion in the face of danger is a cowardly reaction. 

Quote from Jean Dutourd ; Doucin (1955)

A coward always remains cowardly, in happiness, in misfortune, in what he says, in what he does. 

Quote from Anne Barratin ; Along the way (1894)

People who can defend themselves complain are cowards! 

Quote from Anne Barratin ; Along the way (1894)

Man will always be a coward, you can count on it, and if lawyers are sellers of words, doctors are sellers of hope; it is a commodity that will always be very expensive. 

Quote from Victor Cherbuliez ; Olivier Maugant (1885)

Learn to leave a coward who leaves you. 

Quote from Pierre Corneille ; The Golden Fleece, III, 3 (1660)

One can excuse the inconstancy in a man, the levity, the thoughtlessness; but hypocrisy, calumny, are the vices of low, cowardly and corrupt souls. 

Quote from Paul de Kock ; Gustave or The Bad Subject (1821)

It is better to suffer than to be a coward. 

Quote from Marcel Prévost ; Miss Jaufre (1905)

Despair is the sharing of cowards. 

Quote from Euripides ; Furious Hercules – V e s. av. J.-C.

Confidence produces fidelity in the magnanimous, and stirs up betrayal in the cowardly. 

Quote from Chevalier de Méré ; Maxims and sentences (1687)

Woe to the cowards! one is never cruel except for lack of being courageous enough. 

Quote from Alphonse de Lamartine ; History of the Restoration, LV (1851)

In war, a guy who can die bravely is an idiot. On the contrary, I admire those who go away cowardly, because they have not had time to know life and its pleasures. 

Quote from Henri Salvador ; The joy of living (2011)

A coward excels at shying away, he has the genius of all forms of absence. 

Quote from Henri-Frédéric Amiel ; Fragments of a diary (1821-1881)

Woe to the cowards and hypocrites who, alternately timid lambs and devouring wolves, flatter in their presence those whom they secretly tear to pieces. Remember that the one who tells you about the faults of others, comes only to better spy on yours. 

Quote from Mocharrafoddin Saadi ; The Rose Garden – XIII th century.

Cowards hate and slander kindhearted people. They are similar to those kitchen dogs, who, as soon as they see a hunting dog, never fail to bark at it, but dare not go out to fight it. 

Quote from Mocharrafoddin Saadi ; The Rose Garden – XIII th century.

A coward according to the winds varies and is denied. 

Quote from Jean-Baptiste Gresset ; Edward III, January 22, 1740.

Wine gives color to those who have none, from the heart to the cowardly, from the zeal to the lazy. 

Quote from Fernando de Rojas ; Celestina – XVI th century.

The only answer to cowardly attacks is to produce beautiful things. 

Quote from Henri-Frédéric Amiel ; Diary, February 2, 1880.

To cowards, to perverts, the gods seem to close the way to hell. 

Quote from Jean-François de La Harpe ; Philoctète, June 16, 1783.

It is no more cowardly to know how to live in certain cases than to know how to die. 

Quote from Pierre Reverdy ; The horsehair glove (1927)

If man is not cowardly, he must trample underfoot all the fears that stop him! 

Quote from Fyodor Dostoyevsky ; Crime and Punishment (1866)

From a distance the coward has a great deal of courage, but up close his courage is in his heels. 

Quote from Epicharme ; Fragments – VI th century. av. J.-C.

Despair is the sharing of the coward. 

Quote from Euripides ; Furious Hercules – V e s. av. J.-C.

An advantageous exterior often hides a loose heart. 

Quote from Philemon ; Dagger – IV e s. av. J.-C.

Is the man a coward? Ask the local dentist; he knows more about it than all the philosophers put together. 

Quote from Adolphe d’Houdetot ; Ten thorns for a flower (1853)

The brave pray at all hours of the day, let them go and pray only at night. 

Quote from Adolphe d’Houdetot ; Ten thorns for a flower (1853)

To find a way out, cowards say their cruelest wickedness in the form of a joke. 

Quote from Adolphe d’Houdetot ; Ten thorns for a flower (1853)

The cowardly heart gives way without having fought. 

Quote from Henri-Frédéric Amiel ; Diary, August 16, 1873.

The coward is afraid of the night. He sings while walking to reassure himself. 

Quote from Jean-Baptiste Massillon ; Maxims and Thoughts (1742)

In the face of danger, cowards hide, and courageous men show themselves. 

Quote from Louis-Philippe de Ségur ; Courage (1816)

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