Home Moving Into A Good: The Steps To Follow

Home Moving Into A Good: The Steps To Follow

For pleasure or by obligation, a change of dwelling always represents a certain burden. Third cause of stress among the French, after bereavement and dismissal, a move is far from trivial. It is also an opportunity to settle down and organize things. With good thinking upstream, moving in can be smoother and fatigue limited. Small tips home for the big day, administrative procedures to anticipate or distribution of boxes, some tips should be note so as not to be caught off guard. Also discover the good ideas of Elodie Hochedez, storage coach, to move in with confidence and limit clutter.

Once the move is done, it’s time to move in! Receiving the boxes and distributing them well is not an easy task. Amidst the home furniture, a merry mess builds up. There is a lot of business and organizing this transition takes a little thought. Going room by room is a good start, starting with the places you need it most, like the kitchen or bathroom. Also think about all the administrative logistics. By contacting suppliers upstream, you make sure you have electricity on D-Day, for example. Take a look at our checklist of things to remember for a successful move.  

1. Getting organize by anticipating key administrative procedures

If this is an often dread part of the move, the administrative procedures are necessary to be comfortable in your new home. 

Among the first things to do upstream (about a week before D-Day), contact the electricity and gas supplier in the town but also the companies that manage your internet and telephone subscriptions. A few days before, notify your insurer of the change of accommodation to take advantage of home insurance as soon as you move in. A key point in the event of a problem.  

Once in the new house, read the water, gas and electricity meters. Also write your name on the door and mailbox. For mail, go to the Public Service website where a page dedicated to change of address allows you to choose the organizations concerned. In order to forward the mail, a temporary transfer to La Poste gives you time to be sure that your new address has been taken into account. 

2. Make the move-in day easier

Before embarking on the boxes, some precautions are customary to simplify the day of the move. Since you are often surround by friends or family who have come to lend a hand, prepare easy-to-eat things and drinks. A small survival kit with light bulbs, tools, garbage bags, toilet paper and paper towels will always come in handy.  

Also plan a household kit with a few rags, a vacuum cleaner, a mop and a household product for emergencies. The big cleaning will wait for the end of the boxes! If the accommodation has common areas, protecting the stairs avoids any problem with the neighborhood. When the movers arrive, also make sure that all the boxes are there. 

3. Prepare as best you can for the first few days in the new accommodation

Even with the best will in the world, the first few days after moving in are often a bit chaotic. There are still many boxes. The benchmarks are gradually being put in place. The best is then to prepare to live a few days without all your belongings, far from your little habits. “We can provide a survival suitcase with the essentials for a few days,” suggests Elodie Hochedez. Inside, clothes, shoes and toiletries for everyone, equivalent to a stay for a long weekend. 

4. Take advantage of the move to sort (again)

A crucial step when moving, sorting your belongings is necessary for packing but also for unpacking. Black spot in the house: the administrative often represents a large but unnecessary volume. “The sorting in the papers must be done with a clear head, recalls Elodie Hochedez. We go to the Public Service site to know the papers to keep and under how long. The instructions for use of certain household appliances can be put in the trash, for example. Many people are afraid to throw away and do not dare to pass the course. But now is the time or never! “. When unpacking the boxes, if the sorting has not been done before. It’s time to put aside what you want to keep,. Clothing, dishes, books, etc. are concerned.  

5. Take your time to organize your new home

“We always hope to complete everything in a weekend but this is rarely the case! Warns Elodie Hochedez. To get an idea, we count about a weekend for the bathroom and the kitchen. Another for the parental room. And so on. No need to hurry. No worries if two months later there are still some boxes. On the other hand, keep the remaining boxes in sight so as not to forget them. ” 

6. Provide a place for everything in the house

When entering the new home, everything must have a dedicated place in a suitable piece of furniture. “Some of the furniture may need to be changed to optimize storage, suggests the coach. The most important thing is to avoid keeping a tote box with used batteries, unnecessary items and other items gathered at the last minute. at the time of the move. ” 

7. Avoid scattering and proceed piece by piece

If the move was done in a rush, the boxes were not well sort. When unpacking, by opening all the boxes at the same time without really emptying them, they remain on the ground and take up a lot of space, giving the impression of not moving forward. “The ideal is to proceed by piece, says Elodie Hochedez. We prefer to empty the boxes rather than fill the drawers. ” In other words, each open box must be finish without being put aside if we do not really know what to do. Again, everything has its place.  

8. Start the move in with the technical parts

Depending on the time available for the storage and organization of each room, we first tackle the kitchen or the bathroom, the most useful in everyday life. “When you have little time, you start by fitting out the bathroom which is often smaller, says Elodie Hochedez. With a few hours ahead, the home kitchen requires a little thought and its storage must be strategic. The dishes nearby. of the dishwasher, the pots near the hotplates, etc. ” 

9. Compose an arrangement of the furniture and allow yourself the possibility of changing it

With new volumes (sometimes larger but sometimes also smaller) and a different distribution of rooms, the apartment or house requires a different arrangement of furniture. When you arrive, you start by giving a place to the most imposing elements in order to see more clearly. The dismantled furniture is to be reassemble and crammed like the rest of the furniture in the most relevant way. While leaving the option of moving them in the coming months if the organization of the room is not optimal …  

10. Take things on the safe side

“A move is a new beginning, you might as well take it as such”, summarizes Elodie Hochedez. It allows you to do a great sorting and to create a vacuum in the house for the well-being of all. Once in the new home, not everything will be ready on the first day. You might as well take your troubles patiently and tell yourself that these few camping-style days are a way to break the routine! And a new place to live is also an opportunity to have a housewarming party. An important tradition to support the feeling of being at home and to introduce it to those who are dear to you.  

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