How to Decorate A Perfect Home Office

How to Decorate A Perfect Home Office

Having a home office is basic for more and more people. And there are many who work remotely from their homes; Similarly, there are also those who like to have their own workspace at home, where they can finish the day’s to-dos. Decorating an office is a task that requires a lot of ingenuity and creativity. How to do it depends largely on the professional activity; For example, a painter may need a more creative space, while a lawyer may need a space that encourages communication and concentration. In any case, there are a series of tips and basic principles that it is advisable to remember, such as the pieces of furniture that a home office should have, or the importance of having good lighting and ventilation.

How to decorate a home office?

Here are some tips to decorate an office with a lot of taste and style, for all preferences and needs.

1. Quiet space

When creating and decorating a home office, the first thing is to find the most suitable space for it. Of course, the work area must be isolated from any source of noise or distraction. If the home is not very large and it is impossible to have a dedicated room exclusively for working, the office can be installed in any corner; Of course, it is important to find a corner where you turn your back on everything to avoid distractions.

In addition, if for example the office is installed in the living room, a screen can be added to create a small division to separate this area from the rest of the room.

2. Furniture

The most important point to get the best home office is to acquire the most suitable furniture based on what your needs are.

3. Mesa

The table should be wide so that you can work on it in complete comfort. Of course, it must be adapted to the available space. Although the office is large, a table that is too wide is not a good idea since it prevents having things within reach, so it is easier to have everything messy. Therefore, the key is to find a table that is suitable for the size of the office and where you can work with ease.

4. Chair

Along with the table, the chair is another element that can not be missing in any office. Maintaining a correct posture is essential to avoid health problems, such as cervical strains. Thus, it is advisable that the chair has a backrest and fits both your age and height, as well as the height of the table.

5. Shelving

Installing a bookcase in the office is a great option because this way you can store all the books. In addition to the office supplies. Have everything always at hand. A good idea is that the shelf is located on one side of the table or on the table itself.

6. Lamp

It is essential that the home office has a good source of natural lighting. Still, it is important to install a desk lamp; much better if it is a gooseneck with LED light to avoid eye fatigue.

7. Office items

Beyond the aesthetic aspect, an office cannot lack elements such as notebooks, agendas, planks … Materials that allow you to work without interruptions and keep everything well organized. Besides being practical, they can add a chic touch to your office.

8. Colors

In an office, as in any other space in the home, colors are essential to convey different sensations. In this case, what you are looking for is the maximum capacity for concentration, so the most advisable thing is to opt for neutral tones such as white. So that the space is not too boring, you can add some elements in vibrant colors: a natural fiber rug in green, and some sheets in fuchsia …

If you do not like neutral colors to decorate the office and you are looking for a more creative and active environment, water green or lavender are two colors that greatly help mental concentration. In addition, some studies have shown that green tones help generate new ideas, so it is another option to value.

9. No clutter

A basic to create a good workspace, in which productivity and concentration are favored, is that it is very well organized, without too much in sight. Otherwise, these elements are distracting, thus wasting your time looking for something.

The furniture should be organize in a comfortable. Logical way, in which you have everything at hand. Of course, you should not forget about the cleaning and care of the furniture. The rest of the decorative elements.

10. Lighting and ventilation

As we have pointed out in this article on how to decorate an office. It is essential that the office has natural light. The best thing is that the desk is placed on its side, avoiding direct sunlight. Still, you will need to illuminate the space with artificial light. Ideally, look for a ceiling lamp with a shade at the bottom to diffuse the light.

Thus, illuminate the entire space. In addition, it is important that you add direct light, such as a desk lamp that directly illuminates the work area. The ideal temperature to work is between 19 and 22 degrees, so it is important to ventilate the office daily. Even do it at certain times of the day if you spend a lot of time in it.

11. Plants

A fantastic decoration idea for home office plants, which can be placed at strategic points, such as around the desk for example. They give a lot of life to the space and, in addition, they provide a great natural touch.

12. Inspiration Dashboard

Do you want your bedroom to be inspiring? A good way to do this is with an inspiration panel. An inspiration panel is a kind of collage with photos, clippings, words, motivational phrases, and other details that help us motivate and inspire us while we work. You can put photos with the family, quotes from your favorite books, illustrations that you especially like, photos that convey peace or good vibes … The idea is that every time you see that inspiration panel, it gives you renewed energy to continue working.

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