Painting Yourself: The 10 Traps to Avoid : Read also

Painting Yourself: The 10 Traps to Avoid : Read also

Are you embarking on a painting project and want to repaint a wall, floor, ceiling yourself? Follow our advice so as not to fall into the most common traps, and spoil the decoration of your rooms … Choice and quantity of paint, passage of the roller, preparation of the support and the site to paint well yourself. From the walls to the ceiling, the decorator Valérie Laporte Volatier gives you her sharp advice. The pitfalls to avoid to succeed in your painting project like a pro.

If you need to paint your interior yourself to refresh your decor without breaking the bank, beware of too much rush. By wanting to paint too quickly, you risk doing silly things and regret it! This is why Côté Maison has pointed out the 10 mistakes to avoid so that your wall or floor painting project does not turn into a nightmare … 

Trap n ° 1: insufficiently protect your site

A tin of paint spilled on the carpet or the parquet, a piece of furniture stained by a splash, it is very complicated to clean. So, before moving on to the painting phase, there is one rule that must be observe: protect your site, in order to avoid material damage or even bodily harm … 

Here are the secrets of an impeccable site:

Empty the room as much as possible, the ideal being to be able to work in an entirely empty space. If this is not possible, place the furniture in the center of the room and protect it with plastic sheeting or old sheets folded in half. – Remove anything that is likely to receive paint splashes, such as rugs or curtains. – Remove all tables, shelves, screws, rods and other door handles that could interfere with the application of the mural – Unlock the electrical outlets and switches so that they can be painted without spilling over them.

Protect the ground with a large plastic sheet-

To be fixed to the ground with double sided tape. – Plan to wear comfortable old clothes that are safe, as well as a cap or a bandana to protect your hair. – Take a mask, latex gloves and possibly protective glasses if you paint with glycerol or if you use a stripper. By following these rules, you should avoid big or small problems …  

And what to do in the event of a stain? It is already too late … The drop of too much on the brush and here is a nice spot of paint! To remedy it as quickly as possible, follow Valérie’s advice. In the event of a stain with glycerol paint: remove excess paint from fabrics, curtains, carpets. Other textiles with a scraper or knife.

Once the excess is remove, wipe it down with white spirit. – In the event of a stain with acrylic paint: also remove the excess with a knife or a scraper then clean in cold water with a little soap and rub with a nail brush. – If the paint is already dry: dab the stain with a little rubbing alcohol on a cloth.  

Trap n ° 2: poorly preparing your support before painting

When you want to repaint your walls, it is tempting to skip the steps, to get to the final result as quickly as possible … Error! Because if we do not take care to properly prepare the surface to be painted, we risk obtaining imperfect walls, revealing all the defects. 

A brief reminder of the steps to follow: – If the surface to be painted is dirty (grease, grime, nicotine, fingerprints, etc.), it will have to be washed with a mild detergent diluted in water, always ending with a rinsing with clear water and complete drying. Be careful, the walls must always be washed from bottom to top to avoid dirty runs. – If cracks are visible on the surface to be painted, open them using a triangular scraper, then carefully fill them with plaster, and finish by sanding, once the plaster is completely dry.

If the cracksare too important because “alive” (due to the variations of materials, they then affect the whole thickness of the plaster, even of the wall), it is possible to pose a glass fabric, composed of very strong fibers and presented in rolls , before painting. Cracks will take much longer to reappear. Please note, the first coat of paint applied to a glass cloth must be an acrylic paint. Which will not damage the coating. If you opt for this choice, avoid paper to paint with reliefs and be satisfied with a smooth support, always more reliable. The latest in painting papers, the new support is placed like wallpaper and replaces sandpaper. Smooth, it offers the possibility of applying a layer of paint on top, simple or effect. – If the old paint is peeling, it will be necessary to remove the damaged paint with a stiff wire brush, then sand the surface with a medium grit sandpaper, then a fine grit.

Trap # 3: running out of paint along the way (or buying too much!)

What could be more annoying than running out of paint in full swing or having to bring back to the store the 10-liter jar we have left on our hands? To avoid this kind of inconvenience, only one solution: carefully calculate the number of liters needed by the calculator painting of . 

Before getting started, here are some golden rules to follow:

Even if your paint is indicated as single-coat, for a beautiful result that meets your expectations, count two coats of paint. – Due to lack of experience, we tend to overload the brush and therefore consume more. Look a little wider and round above the indications given. – Better to have an extra pot than to run out of paint on a Sunday afternoon when the work has started … 

And for those who want a tailor-made calculation, here is the explained method: – Measure the perimeter of the room by subtracting the openings (doors, windows). – Multiply by the ceiling height, divide by the yield indicated on the pot, then multiply by the number of layers to lay. Example: my room has a perimeter of (5m + 7m) x 2 = 24m x 2.50 m ceiling height = 60 m2. If the yield per liter indicated on the pot is 12m2 per liter, we divide 60 by 12 = 5 liters x 2 layers = 10 liters. We round to 11.5 liters for more comfort. 

Does this seem insurmountable to you? Arm yourself with your most disarming smile and present the dimensions of your room to a salesperson. It will undoubtedly help you out … 

Trap n ° 4: using unsuitable material to paint a wall

Rollers that are too thin, brushes losing their hair … A low-end material or unsuitable for the quality of the paint will complicate your task. You will spend more time painting, the result will be likely to be uneven, it will be impossible to use them a second time, there will probably be unsightly drips and spatter.  

Types of brush-

A good brush should be conical and have long bristles that are firmly attach to the handle, which is better to choose raw wood (instead of plastic or painted wood) for a better grip. It is better to use synthetic bristles when painting with an aqueous emulsion-based paint, called water-based paint. On the other hand, wool and natural silk are recommended when using solvent-based paint, known as glycero. Again, do not hesitate to seek advice from salespeople in specialized stores, they will direct you to the appropriate products.  

Short-haired rollers will be reserved for lacquers and glossy paints, short or medium-haired models will be perfect for satin and matt, anti-drip will be essential for ceilings. Finally, a large enough tray with a grid will allow the excess paint to drain before rolling. For baseboards and all flat surfaces, it is best to use flat brushes. On the other hand, it is necessary to use round brushes to paint the moldings or the angles of walls. As for the radiators, the corners of which are not easily accessible, they will require the use of special brushes, angled and long handled. 

On your list of accessories to be a good painter, do not forget to note: good protective adhesive tape to provide in sufficient quantity, a good stepladder so as not to break your face and white spirit and other cleaning products according to the painting. 

Trap n ° 5: get started without trying your mural

The choice of the color of a painting is always difficult. What shade to adopt, where to place it, how to associate it so that it fits into the room and creates the desired atmosphere? So many questions that require real reflection. Recently, virtual simulators and color charts allow you to test colors just like at home. The rendering is often fictitious and far from offering all the delicacy of tones and halftones. Hence the interest of checking the chosen tone at home using samples before embarking on major works.

DIY superstores-

Quality paints, like Farrow & Ballor Ressource, and recently DIY superstores like Leroy Merlin or brands like Dulux Valentine, offer for sale small 100ml jars called “testers” which allow you to get a fairly accurate idea of ​​the desired shade. Rather than applying the tester directly to the wall or the part to be paint, it is better to carry out the tests on a 50×50 cm white cardboard, then to place it in different places of the room and at different times of the day. , including in the evening with electric light.  

These preliminary tests are essential when you want to apply halftones or light tones, which are more susceptible to environmental influences than strong colors and which can really change their appearance depending on the circumstances. Ditto when you want to combine two or three colors of paint, whether in monochrome or in contrast. This precaution can really save you time and money.  

Trap n ° 6: neglect the “underlay” step

If we do not take care to put an undercoat before applying the paint, it may adhere poorly to the support, or be absorb by the porous wall which will “drink” the paint and require you to multiply the number of layers needed.  

There are undercoats, which are also call “adhesion primers” suitable for all surfaces likely to be paint: – On the walls: you can use an inexpensive paint, but the ideal is to opt for a solvent primer with anti-stain power. Be careful to follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding drying time. – On metal: use an undercoat to protect against corrosion and facilitate the adhesion of the paint. If the metal is rusty, you will find undercoats to paint on such a surface. – On radiators: there are special heat-resistant underlays. Be sure to apply these on radiators off. – On PVC, tiles, melamine: you will find underlayers reserved for smooth surfaces, allowing the paint to hang on these very particular materials. Without this precaution, the paint is likely to fail. 

Zoom on: epoxy resin . The Résinence brand has developed a range of resin paints. This paint allows you to repaint all the supports ( splashback , floors, …). We first apply a coat of paint (many colors to choose from) then a resin which hardens and becomes resistant. Very easy to use, it is also odorless. 

Trap n ° 7: confuse oil painting and water-based painting

“Oil painting is much more complicated but it is much more beautiful than water painting” … The old adage has lived! A quick look back at the differences between oil painting and water painting.  

Oil or glycerol paint. The “oil” painting is called in the professional language “glycero”. Based on solvents which facilitate application, it is particularly appreciate by painters for its “stretch”, its resistance and its durability. It is also the most washable of paints. However, it is subject to new regulations because it is polluting. It has a strong and stubborn odor and the solvent fumes can be harmful. In addition, it is prone to yellowing with age, and its drying time is quite long between coats.  

Water-based or acrylic paint-

Acrylic paint, known as “water-based paint”, is odorless or almost odorless. Contains few organic solvents that are harmful to the environment. Above all, today there are acrylics of excellent quality in terms of rendering and texture. Easy to apply, it spreads without difficulty, dries quickly and holds on any surface. It is washable and the tools can be clean with water. Its only flaw: it is less resistant than its glycerophthalic “rival”.  

And that’s not all ! The latest addition to the painting department, alkyd in aqueous emulsion has the advantages of glycerol (resistance and tight appearance, high covering power) without its drawbacks (no odor, shorter drying time, no yellowing). A tip: to avoid choosing an unsuitable quality. Ask yourself the following questions: are you going to repaint the walls yourself? Are sensitive people likely to inhale the paint? Will the work be done when we already live in this place? If the answer is positive to the three questions, one will opt without hesitation for an aqueous emulsion paint.  

Trap n ° 8: using the wrong finish between mat, satin and gloss

Matt, satin, shiny … Not easy to navigate among these three finishes! And yet, it is better to choose the right one, otherwise, beware of misfires. 

 Matt paints: they hide the small imperfections of the support and are very trendy. Thanks to their powdery texture and their deep and sober rendering. Yes, but … They are generally only washable and not washable, therefore unsuitable for busy rooms, children’s rooms or damp rooms such as the kitchen and the bathroom

– Glossy or lacquer paints: they have the power to enlarge spaces by reflecting light and are particularly easy to clean. But beware: they do not forgive any imperfection of the support. Will require at least three or four coats for a perfect result. Reserved for perfectionists!  

– The satin ones. The most universal paint is therefore the satin finish, which is suitable for all spaces and all supports.  

Style question, it remains to choose between smooth paint and effect paint. The latter, which we thought old-fashioned, is now enjoying a second wind. Manufacturers are working on trendy styles (patina, countryside, tadelakt …) which dress the wall differently without complicating the task too much. Carried away by the soaring wallpaper, effect paint also has a practical side. Functional painting allows you to have a magnetic wall or blackboard, to hang magnets or write little words … 

Trap n ° 9: put too much paint, or not enough

It is not easy to dose the right amount of paint when repainting a wall, furniture, doors … However, if you put too much paint on your roller and do not wring it out enough. You risk to make runs or unsightly projections. And if, on the contrary. One does not load enough its sleeve, the layer of paint will be insufficient. The traces of passage of the roller will be visible and the paint will dry too quickly.  

The golden rules for properly-

Dosing the paint and working according to the rules of the art: – Mix the paint well before use, thicker deposits always forming at the bottom of the jar and risking lumps. To do this, use a piece of wood, a clean chopstick or a “blender”

Tool that fits on the mandarin of electric drills. –

Dip the roller only halfway in the paint, then remove the excess using the grid – Apply adhesive tape before applying the paint to avoid overflowing. For those who hate this preparatory work, here is a little unverified homemade trick … Cut an onion in half and rub it against the surface not to be paint. It seems that the onion has repellent properties towards painting! – Make sure that paint does not accumulate at both ends of the roller. In the event of sagging: if the paint is not yet dry, it suffices to use a roller to spread the paint. If they are dry, it will be necessary to sand and apply a new coat of paint. 

Trap # 10: painting in bad weather conditions

Too hot, too cold, too humid … And yes, as bizarre as it sounds, the weather can have an impact on the performance of paints. Be careful if you decide to repaint your interior. Then in the middle of winter when the heating of your future apartment is not yet in service! In cold weather and high humidity, the paint will be difficult to apply. It will be sticky and the drying time will be longer. With drafts in windy weather, the dust will be given the opportunity to settle on the wet paint.  

What if you pick up your brushes in a heatwave?

Not terrible either, because above 30 degrees the drying time becomes too fast. This can have a negative impact on the durability of the film.  

Last point not to be overlook: ventilation, especially if you are using glycerol paint. Indeed, the vapors given off by solvent-based paints are not recommend for pregnant women or children. Open the windows wide and do not hesitate, even if you are a consenting adult, to wear a protective mask. 

To contact Valérie Laporte Volatier: Les Murs ontdesoreilles , 

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