Sooner or later, running a distance that seems unattainable today will be a piece of cake. When this happens, it means your stamina has increased. This is not to say that a marathon will ever become easy but that by looking back, you will be able to clearly see the progress you have made. An increase in endurance comes from consistency, and that means running many times a day a week for many weeks, there is no shortcut! It generally takes 10 days to 4 weeks to see progress, but a lot depends on the type of run: times get shorter if you run short but fast, and conversely they get longer if you run long but slow.

Before focusing on stamina building, you need to assess your current level and work on that. Whether you are new to the world of running and just want to complete your first 5 k or you are an experienced athlete who wants to finish the marathon in a better time, the “too much and soon” rule is always valid and results in overt raining and injuries.



To increase your aerobic capacity, improve endurance and be able to run longer distances, you need to train constantly. Regular exercise establishes your aerobic base, increases your aerobic capacity (i.e. how much oxygen your muscles use) and strengthens your muscles. If you add extra runs in the training week they should be short and slow, leaving out speed for now. Ideally, do three or four 30-minute runs a week and stretch one of them.


To run more, you have to run more and more! You can increase your run by 5-10 minutes or 0.8-1.6 km at a time. It seems little but with time it makes a difference. If you want to prepare for a half marathon or full marathon, the training volume should be 30-50% of the total distance. Try to keep a steady pace because many make the mistake of starting at a very fast pace and getting extremely fatigued at the end. Better to go slow but finish the race. Remember: resistance first, speed second.

Advise:  Go slow and focus on finishing the run.


This is a type of short distance running but at the fastest pace at which you can run. This type of training trains the body to clear lactic acid from the blood faster , which means you can run longer before fatigue and lactic acid kick in, slowing you down. Over time, the pace at which you normally run, or whatever you have chosen as your race pace, will also become lighter. This type of running improves your running speed anyway and should last 20-40 minutes and 60, for more advanced runners. The pace doesn’t have to be fast enough to take your breath away but rather sustained, while still being able to hold it for the duration of the race.


One word: carbohydrates . 55-65% of your calorie intake must come from carbohydrates. This does not mean eating kg of pasta at every meal but always taking this macro nutrient into consideration . Before a long run. A carbohydrate meal is essential to make sure you have the right energy to cover the target distance. If you are feeling tired, sluggish, and not fit enough to tackle a long distance, increase your carbohydrates. But choose complex types, brown rice and oats instead of refined carbohydrates and foods containing sugars that would spike blood glycogen levels (a spike is always followed by a fall).

5.  REST

The more you increase the training load, the more you will need to rest. Make sure you always insert recovery between sessions : if you eat right, stretch after training and above all get enough sleep, your body will regenerate. In the 30 minutes following the run, try to eat a meal or snack based on carbohydrates and proteins. It is the perfect time for the body to absorb all the nutrients to replenish. If your body recovers after each session, it will be stronger in the following session.


Working on your running technique will make you a more efficient runner – you will use less energy and be able to run longer without feeling tired. A good running technique requires a body in an upright position, a foot support close to the center of gravity and a cadence of 170/180 steps per minute. If you need to lose weight, a few pounds less will also help you run more efficiently.


Running for longer and longer distances can be difficult, but it can be done. What helps is to prepare yourself psychologically. You can lighten the “mental” weight of a run by dividing it into 1 km at a time. For example, or consider it as double a run that you can easily do or even program it as a 10 km run with 3 km plus. It sounds better than 13 km.

We hope these tips will help you improve your stamina. If you’d like to read more running topics on our blog, leave a comment below with your suggestions.

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