Vitamins You Lose If You Have Stress

Vitamins You Lose If You Have Stress

If lately you have anxiety, it is possible that your body suffers a deficiency of the B group of vitamins, which help in essential functions for the organism.

Physical and mental health are closely related, hence if you falter in one, the other may also fail. This tends to happen to people who suffer from chronic stress or anxiety. In addition to lowering the defenses of the immune system and thus being more prone to colds or infections, stress is behind the lack of vitamin B, which performs very important functions in the body. Vitamin B is not just one, but it consists of eight different ones that work together to keep the body energetic and functioning at its best.

About Vitamins

In addition to strengthening the immune system, they also increase the efficiency of metabolism and the constant production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine or serotonin, both related to the feeling of well-being. This problem with vitamin B is that if one of these eight components is unbalanced , it produces an imbalance in the others. “In an episode of anxiety, all the B vitamins are drained into the heart, lungs and muscles to ensure their survival” Compared to other nutrients such as protein, we need a very small amount of vitamins, hence they are usually measured in micro grams and milligrams.

Most of the B vitamins are found in meat, poultry, eggs, green leafy vegetables, legumes or seeds , and bread, hence they are well distributed in our diet. The problem comes when we suffer from stress, since it depletes its reserves, as Lauren Vino pal, a journalist for ‘Mel Magazine’ points out. “When one suffers episodes of anxiety, the body looks for a response to that stress”, comments Anam Umair, American nutritionist and dietician. “Throughout this process, all the B vitamins are drained into the heart, lungs and muscles to ensure their survival .”

This in turn increases the risk of skin rashes, mouth sores, hair loss, diarrhea or insomnia, and depression. Of the eight B vitamins, the most important are B-9 and B-12, since both are crucial for the body to function at full capacity, as well as to stop possible inflammations that may arise. However, in the end each and every one of them fulfills an essential function in the organism that we will now see.

B-1: Thiamine (vitamins)

It is key when it comes to breaking down sugars that support metabolic function and also for memory. People who have low levels of this vitamin may feel more irritated. Suffer from blurred vision or loss of appetite, in addition to having poor reflexes, nausea, or muscle weakness. One of the conditions for having low levels of B-1 is consuming excess alcohol. Which can occur in extreme situations, absolute loss of memory. Adisease known as Korsakoff syndrome. B-1 that found in beans, salmon, liver, or bread.

B-2: Riboflavin

It is essential to convert food into energy. Its deficiencies can lead to mouth lesions, skin problems, chapped lips, hair loss or deficiencies in the reproductive system. About a cup of spinach covers one-third of the recommended daily allowance, so it’s easy to keep it just right.

B-3: Niacin

The B-3 helps to keep the metabolic and digestive systems ready. Since it is responsible for helping in the absorption of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If you don’t have enough niacin, you can experience severe headaches, rashes, fatigue, stomach problems, or depression. It is found in rice or mushrooms, as well as a good chicken breast. So it will not be difficult to absorb.

B-4: Pantothenic acid

B-5 helps the body create red blood cells and metabolizes fats, proteins, and enzymes. A deficiency in vitamin B-5 can make you feel more irritable, more tired, or suffer from muscle cramps and disturbed sleep.

B-5: Pyrixodine

B-6 keeps the nervous system healthy by converting food into energy. Creating new neurotransmitters that will then send messages to neurons throughout the body. When we don’t have enough B-6, our immune system can weaken, as can our mood. In extreme cases it can lead to seizures. It is present in chicken breast and salmon fillet, as well as in bananas and avocados.

B-7: Biotin

It helps in the production of enzymes important for digestion and metabolism . Being deficient in B-7 can cause conjunctivitis, hair loss, lethargy, depression and, occasionally and very occasionally, hallucinations. Only in one egg there is a third of its recommended daily amount. So you will easily absorb it without any problem.

B-8: Folate

It plays a decisive role in the production of red blood cells and in cell division. As well as in the replication and synthesis of DNA. Therefore, supplements are prescribed for pregnant women. Not getting enough vitamin B-9 can lead to headaches, tiredness, weakness, and shortness of breath. That can be avoided if you eat lentils or any green leafy vegetable.

B-9: Cobalamin (vitamins)

The most important, since it encourages the production of DNA and supports the metabolic system as well as brain function . Some symptoms of B-12 deficiencies include pale or yellow skin, mouth ulcers, dizziness, irritability, feelings of depression or anxiety. To avoid this, eat a lot of salmon, clams, or crab, as they contain enough of this vitamin for you to get your recommended daily allowance.

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